We’re In the Final Stretch! Please Help!

We’re In the Final Stretch! Please Help!

S.2634 Safe Harbor Bill protecting holistic practitioners from potential charges of practicing medicine without a license, still sits in the Senate Committee on Ways and Means, awaiting a favorable release out of the Committee and onto the Senate floor for a vote.

Bill co-sponsor Senator Nick Collins has submitted a letter to urge Committee Chair Senator Rodrigues to take action now.

We are now asking for your help in contacting Senate Leadership to assure their support. Please contact Senate President Spilka at (617) 722-1500 or Karen.Spilka@masenate.gov, and Senate Majority leader Cynthia Creem at (617) 722-1639 or Cynthia.Creem@masenate.gov and ask that they bring S.2634 to the floor for a vote today.

Thank you!

HFAMA Committee