Join the Committee for Protection and Access to Complementary and Alternative Healthcare at the State House for one of these Rally Days. Make your voice heard in support of Health Freedom in Massachusetts.
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Our first Rally Day for S665 at the State House March 28th.
March 28 marked the first of our three spring Rally Days to draw supporters of health freedom to the State House. Thirteen individuals came together to lobby legislators to support bills S665 and HD3538. Wearing badges reading “S665 Support Health Freedom”, the group fanned out across the State House to meet with the legislators representing their districts and key committee members currently reviewing the bills (Joint Committee for Health Care Finance and the Joint Committee for Public Health). In the final tally, they met with over 20 senators and representatives leaving behind a strong message of support for safe harbor legislation and securing Senator John Rogers as new co-sponsor for our legislation in the process! We’re looking forward to getting our message out to even more legislators as we plan our next Rally Day for April 11.